
Camping N. of Queets

Chris and I went camping this weekend out on the coast. We were just North of the Queets River. Despite the reports of nasty weather, the rain held out for us. We had a couple early showers, but nothing to write home about. And certainly not like what I see out the window right now. We got set-up pretty late Friday evening and were not successful in fire starting that night. Thankfully we brought a handy dandy JetBoil for our food and found it to be quite useful. We slept real well Friday and woke up early Saturday to hike the beach. It was very rough terrain between our campsite and the sandy beach. All sorts of stuff: rocks, evergreens, wetlands, bushes that should be found in Arizona, driftwood, etc. We hiked on the beach all day Saturday and Sunday and though we didn't find any hidden spots nearby, we found some rocks/islands which will be nice to reach the next time we head to this spot.

Our new tent and sleeping bags were wonderful to us. Our tent has a sort of greenhouse effect and we found great warmth in there. We're finally getting our gear all lined up!!

All in all, we had a wonderful time. We struggled with fire - go figure at the ocean. We'll have some solutions for next time :)

Oh and here's our new tent :)


Sarah B @ Life. Love. Sincerely. said...

I love the "LOVE" picture... so creative using different materials for each letter!

Chris - Laura said...

thanks sarah! chris made that one :)