
Spring Beret #1

My most recent FO (finished object), a spring beret! It was an incredibly quick and easy knit. I think I might need a couple more beret's this year.

Pattern: Columbia Beret
Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash
Needles: #7 - 24" Circ & #7 DPN's
Color: Lawn
Difficulty: Easy


Sarah B @ Life. Love. Sincerely. said...

This is way too cute! How long did it take you to make?

Knitwise Cracker said...

Laura......very cute hat! You are getting good fast! I found another knitter in our building, & get this, a new hire at my company is a knitter & on Ravelry!! GO KNITTERS! You are looking very good pregnant in pictures. I'm sure you are in person also. Could you please do me a favor? I noticed my name as your friend on your blog. Thank YOU! But I don't post my real name anywhere, because I don't want people to find me that way. Could you please take my last name off? Hope to see you in the building someday........take good care!