
Delivery Date Bets??

Alright, so I don't want to hear about your bets on how much this baby will weigh, how big his head will be, how long he'll be or how big my belly will get, but I think I can stand hearing about when you think he'll make his arrival.

So let's hear it! When do you think baby Miles will make his appearance on this Earth??
His due date is July 2nd.

G-ma says: July 8th - his b-day would then be 7-8-9
Mama L says: July 8-9th - I think he'll be 6 or 7 days late
G-pa says: July 4th - every birthday is fireworks and a party

1 comment:

Sarah B @ Life. Love. Sincerely. said...

I think July 8th would be awesome... 7-8-9 is too good to pass up (and easy to remember!)

But I'm pulling for an on-time baby, maybe early. I'll say... June 28th!

Whenever Miles makes his appearance, I can't wait to meet him in person!