Get yourself over to the Convention Center this weekend for the Seattle Green Festival!
Here's some Festival Information:
April 12-13, 2008
Show Hours
Saturday 10AM - 8PM
Sunday 11AM - 6PM
Venue Name and Address
Washington State Convention & Trade Center
800 Convention Place
Seattle, WA
Same Great Event - Great New City!
Named one of the top 10 green cities in the U.S. in 2005 by National Geographic’s The Green Guide, what better place to celebrate an urban community’s vision of green than Seattle? Led by the Office of Sustainability and the Environment, the City of Seattle is proud to co-host the first Green Festival in the Pacific Northwest.
Discover some of the best green products and services the Northwest has to offer. And, through Seattle Climate Action Now!, Clean & Green Seattle, and the city’s many other climate projects, you’ll learn how neighbors, community nonprofits and city departments are working together to make their city a healthier place to live.
Bring your household e-waste to the Seattle Green Festival! This includes laptops, cell phones, PDAs, CDs, and household batteries. 3R Technologies will be accepting these smaller items onsite at the event. Do not bring large electronics. If you need to dispose of large electronics, please see their website for more information: www.3rtechnology.com
Take in more than 350 exhibits:
* Shop for everything from natural home and health products to solar panels and Fair Trade gifts and crafts.
* Hang out with your kids as they play and learn in Organic Valley’s Green Kids’ Zone.
* Enjoy organic dining and sample local beers & wines. \
* Explore developments in green education, social investing and independent media.
* Learn about City resources for energy conservation, green power, climate action and more at the City of Seattle Pavilion.
See more than 125 dynamic speakers on 5 stages:
* Find inspiration from stories of collective and personal successes.
* Discover green techniques and strategies during great how-to workshops.
* Network with sustainable neighborhood groups.
* Enjoy a diverse program of live local music and performance.
Speakers include…
Mayor Greg Nickels – City of Seattle
Jim Lopez - King County Deputy Executive
Amory Lovins - Rocky Mountain Institute, Profitable Solutions to Oil, Climate, and Proliferation
Amy Goodman – Host of DemocracyNow! Bush and the Media
Thom Hartmann - Air America Host & Author of Cracking the Code: The Art and Science of Persuasion
Paul Stamets - Mushrooms can Save the World
Jim Hightower - Author of Swim Against The Current Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow
Riane Eisler – Author of The Chalice and the Blade & The Real Wealth of Nations
Eric Liu – The True Patriot, Why Patriotism is Progressive
Caroline Casey - Coyote News Network
Frances Moore-LappĂ© – Author of Diet for a Small Planet Living Democracy: Feeding Hope
John Perkins – Author of The Secret History of the American Empire
John DeGraaf - What's The Economy For Anyway?
Medea Benjamin - CodePINK
Bishop Steven Charleston - The Genesis Covenant
Gifford Pinchot III - Health Happiness and Sustainable Business
Richard Heinberg - Peak Everything: Treating Our Collective Hydrocarbon Addiction
Sharif Abdullah – Commonway, Creating a World that Works for All
Gary Paul Nabhan - Renewing the Food Traditions of Salmon Nation
Maude Barlow - Blue Alert: The Global Water Crisis
David Korten – Author of The Great Turning
Kevin Danaher – Author of Building the Green Economy
Goldie Caughlan , PCC, Elements of Ethical Eating in the 21st Century
Sarah van Gelder – Executive Editor YES! Magazine
Annie Leonard - The Story of Stuff
Billy Frank Jr. - Nisqually Tribe, Quest for the Truth
Jerome Ringo - Apollo Alliance Energy for the Long Run: The New Apollo Project
John Lombard - Saving Puget Sound
Mark Anielski - Genuine Wealth
Vicki Robin - Liberating Limits
Interested in learning more about this premier green event? Click on the “GreenFestival Radio” button and experience past Green Festivals firsthand!
Please check our website regularly for updated speaker, exhibitor and ticketing information.
Better World Books and Green Festival are partnering to offer $5 off Green Festival admission to attendees who bring in 3 or more books. Your donated books will be sold on BetterWorld.com to help fund girls’ scholarships in developing countries in Asia through Room to Read. www.roomtoread.org