This weekend marks the annual celebration of Gay Pride in Seattle.
This year the Parade is Sunday, June 29th, starting at 11:00 am from the corner of Union St. and 4th Ave. it will be limited to approximately 2 ½ hours in length this year and should take about an hour to go from the start to the end.
Movies on the Pedestal!!
Rainier Tower on 5th & University in Downtown Seattle shows movies ON the pedestal Thursday evenings in the summer. They are free movies and there are concessions sold outside. The movies start just after sun-down. Bring a blanket!
This year they're showing: The Princess Bride, Juno, Batman Begins, Raising Arizona, Rear Window, The Bourne Ultimatum, Almost Famous, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Hot Fuzz.

The Ballard Locks have some Summer Events as well.
They have live music Sunday afternoons and lots of stuff for kids to play with. The Locks are such a wonderful place to visit during the summer, live music can only make it better :)