Weekend - Family, Bumbershoot, Hawks
Bumbershoot this weekend.... bring ponchos.... that's my only word of advice.
We're leaving Seattle this weekend. It will just be too crazy. We're going over to the Peninsula to visit family :) We're going to kick some butt in Wii and cook up some yummy food. Oh and sleep in. Yay.
Have a good one y'all.
Back at the 5th
Here's the lineup:
7 Brides for 7 Brothers Dec 3 - Dec 28
The classic roof-raisin' musical hit.
Learn More | On Sale: September 19
Memphis Jan 27 - Feb 15
A new musical about the birth of rock 'n' roll.
Learn More | On Sale: September 19
Sunday in the Park with George Apr 21 - May 10
Sondheim's Pulitzer Prize-winning love story.
Learn More | On Sale: January 9
Jazz @ Bumbershoot
"The outdoor stage upon which tenor saxophonist Hadley Caliman and his group will play Sunday at the Bumbershoot music and arts festival is among the more intimate at the event, a cozy nook with room for about 800, surrounded by exhibit rooms, sheltered from the rock-thirsty crowds the event is known for.
One of the oldest and most revered performers at the festival, the semiretired Caliman, 76, is among a relative handful of acts that comprise jazz at Bumbershoot this year. Most, if not all, of them (depending on your definition of jazz) will perform Sunday on the Wells Fargo Stage in the Northwest Court, the traditional venue for jazz at Bumbershoot.
While jazz is not the main reason that thousands mob the Seattle Center every Labor Day weekend, Caliman and musicians like him are what make Bumbershoot the unique event that it is, a true mix of forms, genres and interpretations.
Opportunities to hear Caliman play live are precious and becoming more so in the autumn of his career. His local shows, like those at Tula's, typically sell out. He is about as old as the art form itself, coming of age in the era of big bands, when jazz music was the popular music of its time...."

Last Duck Dodge
We officially have the "sailing bug". So, we'll see you on the water! Onward and Upward to Winter sailing ;)
Life on a Sailboat
* If you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not allowed to sell it, which work of art would you select?
* If you were instantly able to play one musical instrument perfectly that you have never played before, what would it be?
Saturday M's Game
Saturday Sandfest
Friday Night Sailing
We raced on Lake Washington and took first in our class. Tantivy is about 3rd overall in the Lake Washington race. It's accumulative over about 10 weeks through the summer.
Sydney had a wonderful time on the boat. She didn't even blink when we were tipping (as sailboats do). She was our Tactition and enjoyed every minute of it. The bridges may have been her favorite part :)
A friend of mine...
But, please, no ketchup in the Bloody Mary.
By Emma Breysse
A weekly blog feature in which we walk into a bar and ask the bartender to make us his or her favorite drink. Read more at www.seattleweekly.com/voracious. The place: Matt's in the Market, 94 Pike St., Suite 32, 467-7909, http://www.mattsinthemarket.com/.
The barkeep: Robbie McGrath.
Pick your poison: "My order is whatever your favorite drink is," I say gamely, then find myself getting a little nervous at McGrath's reaction. "That's what you're going to get," he says with a fiendish grin. After some bustling about in the back room, he presents me with...a Bloody Mary with a snit. For those of you who, like me, didn't grow up in the Midwest, a "snit" is a shot of beer meant to be either sipped in tandem with the Bloody Mary or dumped in and mixed.
Beer with a Bloody Mary? WTF? "I'm from Minnesota, and we have a local joke: If you're snowed in and you run out of tomato juice for your Bloody Mary, use ketchup and beer." Now, this concoction doesn't use ketchup—just a nice thick tomato juice—but the beer is enough of an adventure for me.
In fact, a lot of things about this drink are a little different. "We don't use vodka," McGrath adds, pulling a bottle off the shelf behind him. "Instead, we use aquavit." The bottle he places on the bar for my consideration confirms it.
So what's aquavit? "It's a Norwegian 80-proof liquor." It seems Matt of Matt's in the Market is a big fan. But am I a fan? For sip #1, I try the Bloody Mary on its own, and may I just say I'm never going back to vodka. The flavors blend well, and the drink isn't harsh, just pleasantly spicy. For sip #2, I turn to the snit—first the Bloody Mary, then the beer. It's good enough that I'm intrigued, and pour the rest of the beer in. For sip #3 I try the blended drink. The beer takes the edge off the tomato flavor without smothering it, and mixes well with the aquavit for a seriously tasty beverage. I offer a sip to my drinking companion, who warns me before she takes it that she doesn't like beer. Then she agrees with me about the drink, making it four thumbs up for McGrath's Midwestern joke.
So if they do such things where you come from, what brought you here? "I came out to visit my sister* six years ago." (* = perfectly timed pause) It doesn't take long to realize that snappy one-liners like this are McGrath's specialty. With his Harry Potter–esque specs and his infectious grin, I find myself liking him almost as much as I like his Bloody Mary.
This really is fantastic—I even mixed in the beer! McGrath smiles at me and reaches behind him for the beer bottle. "You sit at my bar, I just may refill your snit," he says, doing just that. "You never know when a blizzard might come though."
Amen, brother! I'll drink to that.
Reflecting on our Road Trip
We left Seattle for Leavenworth. @ Leavenworth: tasted some wine, walked around to the little knick knack shops, and visited the park. We left Leavenworth for Banks Lake. @ Banks Lake: visited the Grand Coulee Dam, bowled in Coulee City, camped at Banks Lake, watched the best Moon Rise ever.
Friday - Day 2:
We left Banks Lake for Spokane. @ Spokane: visited Julie, Gracie, & Travis, went to Riverside Park, did a little shopping. We left Spokane for Deer Park. @ Deer Park: visited and stayed with Chris' parents, watched a beautiful sunset, played Wii, slept in the coziest bed ever.
Saturday - Day 3:
We left Deer Park for Walla Walla. @ Walla Walla: visited old stomping grounds, tasted some wine, did some shopping, ate a phenomenal dinner @ backstage bistro, camped in the Umatilla National Forest - in Oregon.
Sunday - Day 4:
We left the Umatilla National Forest for Mt. Rainier. Sunday was a driving day. We took White Pass and drove past the Naches & Wenatchee Rivers. There were lots of people kayaking & tubing.... we were a tad jealous :) but we then reached Mt Rainier from the South and it was so beautiful!! Then... Mt Rainier to Home.
Monday - Day 5:
Recovery time @ home.
The weather was fantastic the entire trip and we got to see two incredible Sunsets, two amazing moon-rises, and views of Mt Rainier, the Blues, etc. We visited family and friends, enjoyed wonderful wine and food, did a little shopping and chilled out in the sun. It was a wonderful trip. Now back to the grind...

@ The Winery

Knitters Anonymous
This last weekend I went to Bainbridge Island to visit a yarn shop called Churchmouse with a group of knitters from the Eastside. A lovely woman in our downtown knitting group invited me to join them on their field trip and it was a great day. The weather was beautiful, the yarn so yummy and my fantastic Mom met me out on the island for lunch!! It doesn't get a whole lot better than that. Oh and I got the most scrumptious yarn.... ever. Be looking for some pics of works in progress. I should have a few here very soon.
This week is another busy one, but an exciting one as well. We're going sailing tomorrow night, attending a Shrek cast party (Bringing Ugly Back), and then heading on a Road Trip Thursday morning through Monday..... WOO HOO!! I'll try and keep you as updated as possible, but if you don't hear from me before next week: Cheers! To some sun and relaxation.
Elk Lake Camping Trip!
Friday Night:
We started hiking at about 10:00. Got past the washout and hit another washout. It was a doozy. We couldn't find the right road and decided to set up camp where we were and wait till morning to get to the lake. We camped in the dirt road on top of hay bails. Yay!
In the morning we packed up and hiked a couple more miles and reached Elk Lake. We set up camp and enjoyed our day. We cooked a chicken above our fire, caught and cooked a handful of fish, knit a scarf, and hiked around.
We took a hike along the river bed. It has rocks covered in dead black moss that's like a black carpet. We found some pools with trout and all sorts of exciting stuff. This hike was very fun and a bit grueling. When we got back to camp we packed up our stuff, and hiked uphill about 4+ miles back to the cars. It was a wonderful, tiring trip.

Getting Dinner!
