This year we have some very exciting things to look forward to and plan for. We will be looking for a new place to call home in about 6 months.... oh, say, right around the time of our new arrival :) I'm thinking Ballardia will prevail amongst our choices. Close enough to not need a car, yet far enough to get some space without breaking the bank.
I've been promising the Grandparents our Family Yearbook for a couple months now so I think I better get on that. With the addition of an amazing new camera (thanks G-ma & G-pa), I'm thoroughly looking forward to next year's book, but I shouldn't let that excitement allow me to loose sight of the book I need to work on first.
I think my knitting may take a back seat for a bit. Some of you may be thinking, "Is she crazy? Why she has a new little one to knit all sorts of cute things for!" Well, for starters, I also have a stack of books I've been meaning to read and have come up with all sorts of excuses not to dive into them. Second, I don't know what I will really use for the baby yet and think my knitting for he/she will be more appreciated a little further down the road. Third, I would love to knit myself some sweaters but frankly I just don't have the energy right now. Maybe my knitting mojo will be back in the near future, but for now I'm on hiatus.
The last thing on my loose ends list is annual memberships. Last year I got a membership to the Seattle Art Museum. I haven't used it as much as I should and we live right across the street. I always feel like going to the SAM on Mondays and well, they're closed on Mondays. This year we're set to have season tickets to the Sounders FC. I'm very excited about this. I'd like to add a membership to the Seattle Symphony's Soundbridge room. It's basically a musical experience for children. You can play any instrument you would find in the orchestra, they have story time, etc. I'm also considering a membership at the Seattle Children's Museum. I have a hard time picking and choosing because I would like for everyone in my family to be able to enjoy the memberships, get good use out of them, and to want it to be a continuous thing. I have considered the Seattle Lecture Series, the Symphony, the 5th Ave, etc, but they all seem to be a bit expensive and something for only Chris and I. I'm excited to dive into this years options and be able to consider some larger family type experiences. Oh & the aquarium would be fun ;)
Well, I just felt the need to ramble about New Year stuff for a second. Thanks for listening.
I would love to hear about your resolutions or loose ends list.