Whoa! It's been two weeks since my last post. Here are the updates:
P-Patch: Is all cleared of weeds, etc. We are going to plant marigolds around the perimeter in the coming weeks and then hit the Seattle Tilth's Edible Plant sale on May 2nd for our herbs and veggies. Exciting stuff.
Knitting: Miles' vest is finished, my beret is about 5-10% complete, I'm about 3/4 the way through one burp cloth and am yet to go back to those leggings.
Pregnancy: Third Trimester - I made it!! All is great save for some serious back pain. A half recline sitting position is the best by far. Too bad I can't stay like that all day, out in the sun, by the ocean, with a
virgin mojito and some knitting..... one can dream.
Sounders FC: Lost their game Saturday 1-0. They outplayed Kansas City, but with Keller out on a Red Card at the 29th minute and the lack of ability to capitalize on shot opportunities, they couldn't get a W.
We missed the game, but enjoyed a lovely evening at the Highway 99 Blues Club with Mom, Dad, Dan and Trina. DoctorfunK rocked the house.
I'd say that's about it for now. I promise to get the camera out this next week :)