I've been away from blogging for the past few days. It's been a very productive week. We're going camping this weekend at Elk Lake with Carrie, Jamil, James & Ana. I can't wait!! I'm so dang happy we've been able to camp as much as we have this summer. It's so fulfilling.
I started a knitting group a couple weeks ago and we met for the first time this past Sunday and then again last night. I'm having SO much fun meeting with these women. It's a downtown group which helps immensely for obvious transportation reasons. I have no idea how large the group will get to be, but the more the merrier. We're meeting Sunday afternoons and a weeknight, probably Thursdays or Fridays. If you're interested, feel free to join! I just started working on an Entrelac scarf.... and I'm loving it! The color changes and pattern definitely keep it interesting. It's not social knitting, but still a ton of fun.
We'll be gone this weekend, but back at it again next week.
Have a good one! And pray for some Sun!! It's summer after all, right?
G-ma's Visit & The Torchlight Parade
G-ma visited us yesterday. We went to Red Robin for lunch and the SAM afterwards. It ended up being a very nice day out. G-ma and I got some Gelato :) YUMM. Here are some pics from the day.

Walking outside Red Robin
Making fishy faces
Family Photo
Syd has to touch ALL the fountains
Walking by the Market
On the way to the Torchlight Parade
Waiting for the parade to start
The first band in the parade
Let Leonard In
Walking Home
M's game with Mom!
Bite of Seattle
We went to the Bite on Saturday. This was the first Bite of Seattle I've actually been impressed with. They brought back the concept of the "Bite" by offering a plate full of bites from local restaurants in the "Alley" for $9.50 or you could get larger bites from 5 other stops for $3.75 each. It was just so nice to be able to sample food without standing in line & paying $8+ for a full meal.
We caught Mycle Wastman at noon and Type A! a little later. It was great seeing Mycle perform again.... it's been too long. He has a new CD out which I highly recommend.
Overall, the Bite was a success.

Artwork for the Bite

We caught Mycle Wastman at noon and Type A! a little later. It was great seeing Mycle perform again.... it's been too long. He has a new CD out which I highly recommend.
Overall, the Bite was a success.
The Needle
Artwork for the Bite
My plate of local Bites
Chris & I at the Bite
The morning after her 21st!! :)
This dog really wanted our food
Tasha & her dog Sadie
Type A!
At the wine garden
* If you could teach your children only one lesson in life, what would it be?
* If you could be a guest on any television talk show, which would it be?
* If you had the chance to make one purchase that you have passed up in your lifetime, what would it be?
* If you could be a guest on any television talk show, which would it be?
* If you had the chance to make one purchase that you have passed up in your lifetime, what would it be?
21 Run
We celebrated Carrie's 21st last night. It was awesome! We went to Fremont and popped into Tost, High Dive and the Ballroom. Of course our night was filled with Fremont randomness. From adult scavenger hunts to high school kids playing a mini concert in the street.... oh it was an interesting evening :)

Cute couple award

The Birthday Girl!
The Crew
The Girls
The Girls making faces
The band in the street
Scavenger Hunt participation
Pretty odd friendly guy
The night is coming to a close
Cute couple award
Love you girl
Duck Dodge Video
We've had some visitors from the Times on our boat the past few weeks. This is what they've been working on:
This Weekend: Bite of Seattle
This weekend at the Seattle Center is the Annual Bite of Seattle.
So, go and get your grub on! You can visit the Bite of Seattle website for all the details at www.biteofseattle.com.
Here is a small schedule of a few friends of ours:
12:00 - Deems Tsutakawa (Jazz Pianist - from Seattle)
1:00 - Soul Kata (Jazzy Band - from Seattle)
7:00 - Vicci Martinez (Indie - from Tacoma)
12:00 - Mycle Wastman (Indie/R&B - from Seattle)
3:00 - Type A! (Jazzy)
6:00 - Terry Evans (Jazz Vocalist)
5:00 - Handful of Luvin' (Indie)
So, go and get your grub on! You can visit the Bite of Seattle website for all the details at www.biteofseattle.com.
Here is a small schedule of a few friends of ours:
12:00 - Deems Tsutakawa (Jazz Pianist - from Seattle)
1:00 - Soul Kata (Jazzy Band - from Seattle)
7:00 - Vicci Martinez (Indie - from Tacoma)
12:00 - Mycle Wastman (Indie/R&B - from Seattle)
3:00 - Type A! (Jazzy)
6:00 - Terry Evans (Jazz Vocalist)
5:00 - Handful of Luvin' (Indie)

Patricia Rovzar Gallery
* If you had to spend one year alone in the wilderness, where would you go?
* If you could only keep one of your five senses, which would you save?
* If you could have one meal from your past exactly as it was, which would you repeat?
* If you could only keep one of your five senses, which would you save?
* If you could have one meal from your past exactly as it was, which would you repeat?
Random. Funny. Seattle.
The Lakehouse
We went to the Lakehouse on Spencer Lake this weekend and visited Chris' family. It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend. We had a BBQ on Saturday for Chris' Mom's Birthday. It was great seeing all the fam. We went on the paddle boat a couple times and really just relaxed a lot. My camera battery was dead so I don't have any photos, but Grandma should be sending some I can post in not too much time.
We saw Hancock last night... pretty good flick.
Sailing tomorrow :)
Have a good Monday.
We saw Hancock last night... pretty good flick.
Sailing tomorrow :)
Have a good Monday.
Seattle Sounders FC Council Nominee
If you're a Seattle Sounders FC Member and you haven't voted for a Council member yet, I'd like to ask that you consider me!! I feel as though I'd be a great addition to the Council and I certainly don't have much to lose! Thanks everyone!
These are the duties...
Council member responsibilities
Attend Two Meetings Per Term
Members of the membership council will be required to attend two meetings per term. The first year's term will last from Summer 2008 to November of 2009. In subsequent years terms will run from March to November of the calendar year.
Attend Annual Meeting
Council members will be required to attend the annual meeting at the conclusion of each season. This annual meeting will be hosted by minority owner Drew Carey.
Represent Other Members
Serve as the mouthpiece for other members, fans and match attendees. Council members will be responsible for gathering comments, suggestions and criticisms from Members and present them to the ownership.
Report To Ownership
Report to the ownership on the pulse of the Members Association.
Be In-Tune
Be tuned into the match-day enviroment in your seating section.
Serve as moderators in Members Only forums and chat room that will be integrated into the new designed Sounders FC website. Council members will be responsible to report inappropriate content to Sounders FC management.
Have a desire to see the Members Association succeed and become - the cornerstone of other sports teams wanting to see Members have a more pronounced voice.
I fit those needs! Thanks again!
These are the duties...
Council member responsibilities
Attend Two Meetings Per Term
Members of the membership council will be required to attend two meetings per term. The first year's term will last from Summer 2008 to November of 2009. In subsequent years terms will run from March to November of the calendar year.
Attend Annual Meeting
Council members will be required to attend the annual meeting at the conclusion of each season. This annual meeting will be hosted by minority owner Drew Carey.
Represent Other Members
Serve as the mouthpiece for other members, fans and match attendees. Council members will be responsible for gathering comments, suggestions and criticisms from Members and present them to the ownership.
Report To Ownership
Report to the ownership on the pulse of the Members Association.
Be In-Tune
Be tuned into the match-day enviroment in your seating section.
Serve as moderators in Members Only forums and chat room that will be integrated into the new designed Sounders FC website. Council members will be responsible to report inappropriate content to Sounders FC management.
Have a desire to see the Members Association succeed and become - the cornerstone of other sports teams wanting to see Members have a more pronounced voice.
I fit those needs! Thanks again!

Tunnel Island
I'm going to summarize our camping trip as well as possible:
Thursday afternoon we headed to the ocean. We left at about 3:30 and got to our destination by 8:30. We then had about a 4 mile hike down the beach to reach Tunnel Island. It was getting dark, the tide was coming in, our bags were getting heavier by the step. We reached the Island and were stuck on the North side of these set of rocks jutting out into the ocean since the tide was so high. Since we couldn't make it all the way to the Island, we decided to set up camp as close as we could. We found a wonderful spot as far away from the ocean as possible yet still on the beach. We didn't have a whole lot of options as it was either sleep on the beach or on the side of a cliff. We set up the tent, fire and chairs and were relaxing for about an hour when we heard a wave entirely too close to us..... we looked over the tree and sure enough, the tide was still coming in. Now, had we looked at the tide book (which was in my backpack), we would have noticed that Thursday evening was the highest tide of the month. Go figure. So, we packed up all our stuff as quickly as possible (I'm still surprised how fast this happened) and got it up on a tree which had fallen down the side of the cliff. We sort of hugged our bags to the tree and scooted them up a bit. As far as we're concerned.... we spent a few hours on the side of the cliff and when the tide started going back out, we slept in our sleeping bags in our tarp on the sand.
Morning came and the tide was low and we got all our stuff and made it around those rocks. We ended up coming across a few open cabins and stayed in one of those. It was fantastic. The cabin had a deck which overlooked Tunnel Island and there were heaps of Eagles always flying by. It had a wood stove and a sleeping loft. The digs were probably too nice for a camping trip, but after Thursday night we couldn't turn the place down.
We stayed out there until Sunday morning when we had to hike back to the car before the tide came in again :)

Thursday afternoon we headed to the ocean. We left at about 3:30 and got to our destination by 8:30. We then had about a 4 mile hike down the beach to reach Tunnel Island. It was getting dark, the tide was coming in, our bags were getting heavier by the step. We reached the Island and were stuck on the North side of these set of rocks jutting out into the ocean since the tide was so high. Since we couldn't make it all the way to the Island, we decided to set up camp as close as we could. We found a wonderful spot as far away from the ocean as possible yet still on the beach. We didn't have a whole lot of options as it was either sleep on the beach or on the side of a cliff. We set up the tent, fire and chairs and were relaxing for about an hour when we heard a wave entirely too close to us..... we looked over the tree and sure enough, the tide was still coming in. Now, had we looked at the tide book (which was in my backpack), we would have noticed that Thursday evening was the highest tide of the month. Go figure. So, we packed up all our stuff as quickly as possible (I'm still surprised how fast this happened) and got it up on a tree which had fallen down the side of the cliff. We sort of hugged our bags to the tree and scooted them up a bit. As far as we're concerned.... we spent a few hours on the side of the cliff and when the tide started going back out, we slept in our sleeping bags in our tarp on the sand.
Morning came and the tide was low and we got all our stuff and made it around those rocks. We ended up coming across a few open cabins and stayed in one of those. It was fantastic. The cabin had a deck which overlooked Tunnel Island and there were heaps of Eagles always flying by. It had a wood stove and a sleeping loft. The digs were probably too nice for a camping trip, but after Thursday night we couldn't turn the place down.
We stayed out there until Sunday morning when we had to hike back to the car before the tide came in again :)
Tunnel Island
The rocks we had to wait for the tide to get around.
A cool shell
You can see the tunnel here
We played with Wilson for a while :)
Some cool rocks
I love these wildflowers
This was our Fourth of July
Can't forget the best part!!
Our clothes drying from being out on Saturday
Homeward Bound
This was our fire from Thursday night
& The tree our stuff hugged, and the hill we spent a few hours on
One last stop..... DQ!
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