These are the duties...
Council member responsibilities
Attend Two Meetings Per Term
Members of the membership council will be required to attend two meetings per term. The first year's term will last from Summer 2008 to November of 2009. In subsequent years terms will run from March to November of the calendar year.
Attend Annual Meeting
Council members will be required to attend the annual meeting at the conclusion of each season. This annual meeting will be hosted by minority owner Drew Carey.
Represent Other Members
Serve as the mouthpiece for other members, fans and match attendees. Council members will be responsible for gathering comments, suggestions and criticisms from Members and present them to the ownership.
Report To Ownership
Report to the ownership on the pulse of the Members Association.
Be In-Tune
Be tuned into the match-day enviroment in your seating section.
Serve as moderators in Members Only forums and chat room that will be integrated into the new designed Sounders FC website. Council members will be responsible to report inappropriate content to Sounders FC management.
Have a desire to see the Members Association succeed and become - the cornerstone of other sports teams wanting to see Members have a more pronounced voice.
I fit those needs! Thanks again!

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