
Mr. Miles Nicolas King

Here's the baby story:

Tuesday June 23rd at about 12:45am my water broke. I was laying in bed.... not really sleeping... and felt it coming. I jumped up (in hopes of saving the bed) and ran to the bathroom. (I did save the bed). I was having contractions, but they weren't awful. Chris started timing them and while they didn't seem to consistent, they were definitely within 5 minutes of each other. I wanted to stay home as long as possible a. because I wasn't positive it was the real thing and b. if it was, I wanted to ride it out at home for as much of the process as possible. We had planned on delivering at Swedish Ballard, but Harrison Silverdale was our backup in case I went into active labor between the hours of 1:30am and 4:30am when the ferries aren't running. I figured all along that the labor process would be a long one... I was very wrong. It was about 2:00am when the contractions were about 2 minutes apart. Within the last hour or so, we packed our bags and prepped for the trip to the hospital. Chris was thinking we'd be driving to Ballard... when 2:00 came around, I let him know that I definitely wouldn't be making the 2 hour trip to Swedish and that we needed to go to Harrison. So we headed out.

I got checked in at Harrison at about 3:20 and by the time the nurse checked me out, I was dilated to an 8. I spent the next hour and a half laboring through contractions and then I felt it was time to push. I pushed for about 10 minutes or so and welcomed Miles Nicolas at 5:16am. He screamed immediately and was more beautiful than I could have possibly imagined. I had hoped for and planned on making it through the labor and delivery process naturally and that's exactly what took place. We were able to nurse right away which I believe helped the feeding process immensely. Miles is a wonderful eater :) I always knew he liked food.

Our baby boy is now 6 days old and getting more wonderful everyday. Yeah we're a little sleep deprived, but I think I'm actually getting more sleep than I did late pregnancy so I'm hanging in there. He's way worth it.

It has been wonderful seeing friends and family lately. Please e-mail me if you'd like to visit as our cell reception at our new place is slim to none.

ETA: Miles was born at 5:16am, weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz., and measured 20.5" long.

Here are some pics:

Just after delivery

Mama & her boy

Hehe... bath time

Almost has a Mohawk

Proud G-ma :)

Grandma Desi visiting Miles

Grandpa Steve & his grandson

Aw Papa...

Mama is KO'd

Sleeping just like his sister

That's my baby boy

The Kings!!

& our new addition

Good morning Sydney & Miles

Kisses for baby brother

Great grandma and her happy grandson

He loves his Great Grandma

Miles & Aunt Lori

Kisses for my baby

Miles & Mama


Jennifer said...

Everyone looks greats. Congrats you guys. We love you

lynettepleasant said...

So cute! He has a lot of hair too.

It's cool you were able to do it naturally. When I have children I plan on doing the same thing. I'm sure it's easier when they decide to get out quickly!

So when are you having another one? Ha ha. (This is Archelle BTW, I have a blogger account.)

eiramana said...

Wow what a story and I love the pictures. They have been long awaited :) Congratulations again to you both! Miles is absolutely adorable. We have to visit you all out there sometime. In the meantime, take care. We miss you guys!


Geknitics said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful family.

Geknitics (Ravelry)

michaele said...

Congratulations! You both look great. Can't wait to meet him in person!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

what a beautiful family!
I am so happy for all of you.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family.
He is so cute and Sydney looks so happy to be with him.

prairiegirl said...

What a beautiful family you have!!! Thanks for sharing your story and of course all the lovely photos!! Miles is absolutely adorable! :)

Sara-Smile said...

Oh this is great! He's lovely. Congratulations and thanks for sharing, Chris!

asha said...

ah, i'm a little bitter, Chris, because i am still at home suffering/overdue with no baby to make it worth it : ). funny thing - when i went to the midwives today, i heard about some people giving birth in Silverdale - but i didn't know it was you until i saw your email. best wishes to you all and congratulations! my email is abragreeneATgmail.com. Abra