Let's see.... We had Sydney over the weekend. We visited with Great Grandma, Aunt Lori, and Cousins Kylie & Megan. We went to the park and played on the toys and started learning how to play catch ;) Chris and Syd went to the Sounders game on Sunday. They won 3-0.
This week we've gone on one trip to Seattle and have perfected our "on the go" methods for Miles. Miles has had another Doc appt and got circumcised. He slept through the whole thing. Yay.
We're still slowly but surely unpacking. We're almost done. Our place is coming together nicely. It's been great having visitors.
Syd playing dress up...

Miles staring at Mama

Miles on his first long-ish trip

Papa & Miles.... it was a bit sunny for him

Considering one of Papa's theories. Hmmm...

Chillin on the Boppy