

Friday night we met up with G-ma and G-pa for dinner at Stella's. They came over to visit afterwards. It was such a beautiful evening. We enjoyed our courtyard and bs'd for a while. I finally got a couple pictures of Miles with G-pa.

Saturday (the 4th) we went out to Shelton for Chris' family reunion / Desi's 50th b-day party / to celebrate all the July b-days in his family. Uncle John came in from Arizona, Aunt Selena came in from Tri-Cities, Grandpa in from Spokane.... lots of people to meet :) We ate great food and enjoyed everyone's company. And of course got a few more pics.

The pics are mostly of Miles & Fam...

G-pa & Miles... the most awake Miles has been since his arrival

Their hands


Grandma Desi & Miles

Cousin Stephanie & M

Chris, Great-Grandpa & Miles

Aunt Linda & M


Knitwise Cracker said...

WOW!!! How exciting!! Congratulations Laura!!
It's hard to believe I haven't seen you even since you were pregnant. I am probably getting fired from my job, not sure yet........new boss, unbelievable! I'm hoping they fire me by Aug. 1st. We'll see. I'm sure you are off right now, but will you be working at the Financial Center again? It would be great if you didn't have to work!!

Anonymous said...

Laura, Miles is just beautiful! Congratulations again! - Jessica